Indi Star Offers Insight Into Her Passion for Music, Acting, and More



As a pop artist, actress, and creator with over three million followers across social media platforms, multi-hyphenate artist Indi Star has captured the attention of many with her genuine lyrics and refreshing energy — and now, she’s officially returning to the music scene to provide listeners with a preview of her next chapter.

Her latest single, “How To Break A Heart,” embodies an emotionally empowering track that delves into the polarizing nuances of love and heartbreak. Co-written and produced by notable names like Gustav Landell, Emelie Walcott, and Fanny Hultman, the song was crafted to capture the rollercoaster of emotions that come with falling hard for someone, while knowing deep down it might not last. Which, Star dually describes as a raw and relatable anthem for anyone who’s ever been scared to love because they know how it ends.

This personal single is merely a precursor to her highly anticipated debut album, eMotion Sick, set to release on September 27th — promising to dive deep into the complex minefield of relationships, along with her interest in facilitating a musical story about the triumphs and tribulations of love. And as she continues to rise through her genuine artistry, one thing remains clear: this ambitious industry-journey is just beginning.

INDI STAR (2024) 

Congratulations on the release of "How To Break A Heart!” Can you share what inspired this single and how it reflects your personal experiences with love and heartbreak?

Indi Star: “How To Break A Heart” dives into that beginning time in a relationship when you have those butterfly’s still but knowing that there is that possibility that it just won’t work out. It’s such an exciting time but it’s not necessarily fully truthful because as you get more comfortable with someone, you open up more and let your guard down. Then there is this fear that once that stage hits, the true personalities may just not work out.

Your upcoming debut album, eMotion Sick, is set to drop soon. What themes or messages do you hope listeners will take away from this particular project?

Indi Star: Yes! I’m so excited to release my first album out into the world! This album is really a glimpse into the world of relationships and the emotions that come with them. Relationships have so many layers that can be filled, not only with love, but anxiety and self doubt and so many other difficult to navigate feelings. I hope listeners can find some of their own truths in the songs and realize that having those feelings is normal and to always try to treat themselves with love and kindness while working through whatever it is they are working through!

You collaborated with notable producers and co-writers like Gustav Landell and Emelie Walcott. How did these collaborations influence the sound and direction of your music on this upcoming album?

Indi Star: This album has many amazing producers and writers and they all brought so much to the music. I love being able to take all that experience and brilliance in music and bring my own take and experiences to the mix. I love how as a recording artist, I bring my own life’s stories into my music and I love working with other extremely talented musicians who bring their own stories as well.

In "Too Good For You," you touched on the importance of self-worth. Can you explain how this song came to life and the message you aimed to convey?

Indi Star: Yes! “Too Good For You” is really an anthem of self worth — both your own self worth and also helping others discover their own self worth. It’s really a look into not settling for being treated badly and having the strength and wisdom to know when it is time to move on. Not that it is an easy thing to do because very few relationships are all bad or all good. It’s just the ability to look at the relationship as a whole and determine how the good and bad weigh out.

INDI STAR (2024)

You've mentioned that your music captures the "real, messy emotions" we all experience. How do you approach songwriting to make sure these feelings resonate with your audience?

Indi Star: I feel it all comes down to a balance of what is important to you in a relationship and what you are willing to compromise on. Relationships can be messy at times but that messiness can help grow and strengthen a couple also. It really comes down to not only knowing your worth but also having lines in the sand that if crossed, warrant some time of response to protect yourself. At the end of the day, your happiness and comfort should be the most important thing to you and you owe it to yourself to create an environment to allow that to happen.

"Shapeshifter" explores identity and the pressure to change for others. Can you discuss this track and how it fits into the narrative of eMotion Sick?

Indi Star: “Shapeshifter” deals with feelings of trying to be the person you think the other person in the relationship wants you to be. And look, it’s not like changing for your partner is always a bad thing. Every person has their own quirks that can be tweaked to not only be a better person but also a better partner. If changing in a relationship makes you a better person and you feel better doing it, it can really strengthen that bond. What you don’t want to do is get lost in the change and be making changes only for someone else.

What would you say has been the most challenging aspect of being a multi-hyphenate talent—balancing your roles as a pop artist, actress, and creator?

Indi Star: I think one of the most challenging aspects can be where to put your energy sometimes. Being authentic is so important to being a content creator, musician and also an actor. Luckily, I have interests that lend well to being able to be authentic. I love fashion and music and that is a majority of my content that I create. I have worked with some managers who tell me that being authentic is the most important aspect of being on social media, and I agree with that. But then, they tell me that I need to change myself to fit more with what they think people expect to see on the pages of creators. I am who I am and I am comfortable with where I am in my career right now!

Speaking of acting, how has your background in acting influenced your music and performance style?

Indi Star: Acting really does lend itself to performing music because I really do need to express not only with my voice but also all those little things that matter like facial expressions and the intentions of the emotions in the music.

As you prepare for the release of eMotion Sick, what do you see as the next step in your musical journey? What can fans expect from you after this album?

Indi Star: Well, I am super excited to release this album! It has been a long time in the making! I am hoping to do some live shows and performances soon. I am always writing new music and coming up with ideas for new songs so the releases will just keep coming. Right now, I just want to work on getting my album in front of as many people as I can because I am very proud of this album. I have a unique perspective and I want listeners to connect with what I bring to their ears.

Aedan Juvet

With 10+ years of industry experience and bylines for publications including MTV, Cosmopolitan, Vanity Teen, Bleeding Cool, Screen Rant, and more, Stardust’s Editor-in-Chief is committed to all things pop culture.


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